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Published on January 5, 2014

The grand sports stourism cycling event in Indonesia, the Tour de Singkarak will enter its 6th edition this 2nd to 10th June 2014, as noted in the schedule of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) Road Calendar 2013-2014 Season. Set against the magnificent scenery of West Sumatra, the international cycling competition will be held in the class 2.2 category.

The annual international scale event that perfectly combines sports and tourism continues to undergo further improvements in quality, anticipating all possibilities. In the first strategic step, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy together with the Provincial Government of West Sumatra and the Organizing Committee will hold a number of physical surveys and preliminary coordination meetings.

Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sapta Nirwandar, initiator of Tour de Singkarak and now also Executive Chairman stated that:”After several considerations,  we have decided that the Tour de Singkarak this year will still be held in the class 2.2 category, correcting reports in the media that it will now be in the 2.1 class.   Sapta Nirwandar stressed that the success of the series of Tour de Singkarak events so far could only be achieved  through the collaborative hard work on the side of many parties and not only by a number of individuals, reports 

Meanwhile, Governor of West Sumatra, Irwan Prayitno added that the rapid development of Tour de Singkarak over the years has contributed positively to the development of the province, including in the economic and social areas. The tour has become a platform and a fantastic media to promote West Sumatra and all its potentials to the international world.  In regard to the Tour de Singkarak 2014, the authorities of West Sumatra along with the entire people of the province are ready to host the event once again and warmly welcome all the cyclists, officials, domestic and international tourists, and all who will come to watch and attend the event.

Tour de Singkarak has also evolved into one of the most prestigious international sports tourism events in Indonesia that has not only contributed significantly to tourism in the country but has also inspired other international cycling events to be held  in various parts of the archipelago. Athletes and cycling teams also admitted that the Tour de Singkarak has become a perfect benchmark to evaluate their performance with challenging tracks and different competitive environments.

Tour de Singkarak was first held in 2009 when Sapta Nirwandar (at the time  Director General of Marketing of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism) discussed the idea of an international cycling event with officials of the province of West Sumatra including the then Regent of Solok, Gusmal;  Governor of West Sumatra, Gamawan Fauzi; Vice Governor Marlis Rahman;  Head of the Culture and Tourism Office, James Hellyward; and Raseno Arya.  The view overlooking Lake Singkarak was considered most perfectly suited as backdrop, thus Lake Singkarak was decided as the icon of this cycling race. Jero Wacik, then Minister of Culture and Tourism approved the idea and established it as a media to promote tourism in the international scene.

Over the years, the event received positive response from around the world and was also acknowledged by the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) as an official international bicycle competition in theis Calendar of Events.  The event also received growing support not only from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, but also from more Regencies as well as from the Provincial Government of West Sumatra. Today, Tour de Singkarak also collaborates with the Amaury Sports Organization who also manages the Tour de France.