Published on July 5, 2012

On 27 June 2012, Guinness World Record officially declared the magnificent Borobudur Temple in Central Java as “The Single Largest Buddhist Temple in the World”, recorded in Guinness World Records with claim number 396-198.
The confirmation was announced by Purnomo Siswoprasetyo, Director of the Borobudur, Prambanan, Ratu Boko Tourism Park on 4 July 2012 at the Sapta Pesona Building of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.”Borobudur is now officialy recorded as the biggest Budhist Temple in the world” said Purnomo, as reported by Antara and detikTravel.
“Three months ago we submitted Borobudur as the biggest Buddhist Temple, and finally Guinness gave its recognition” added Purnomo.
Located on the island of Java, the temple sits majestically on a hilltop overlooking lush green fields and distant hills. It covers an enormous area, measuring 123 x 123 meters. The monument is a marvel of design, decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The architecture and stonework of this temple has no equal, and it was built without using any kind of cement or mortar. The structure is like a set of massive interlocking Lego blocks held together without any glue.
Borobudur is also the site for the celebration of every Vesak Day, the day of the birth, death and enlightenment of Buddha Gautama.
Last year, Borobudur Temple successfully attracted a total number of 250,000 visitors. While this year has just reached the 7th month, this number has reportedly already increased by 16 percent. With the Guiness Records recognition that Borobudur is The Single Largest Buddhist Temple in the World, it is expected that more people will visit Borobudur and nearby attractions including the Mendut Temple, Pawon Temple, or Mount Merapi.
Source: antara and