Published on October 25, 2012

Until the end of September 2012, Foreign Investments (PMA) in the Tourism sector in Indonesia has doubled compared to the same period last year, reaching USD 7.29 billion or Rp. 6.9 trillion. This compares to the same period of 2011, when USD 2.5 billion or Rp. 2.422 trillion was invested in Tourism.
While Domestic Tourism Investments (PMDN) also rise significantly from Rp. 394.2 billion in 2011 to Rp. 860 billion until September 2012, said Minister for Tourism and the Creative Economy, Mari Pangestu speaking at the Indonesia Tourism Investment Day (ITID) forum last 22 October 2012.
The high investments in Tourism has grown commensurate with Indonesia’s positive economic growth. Indonesia’s Tourism Investments are geared to the development of fully integrated resort sites, since such fully integrated resorts not only push construction of tourist facilities such as hotels, but will also boost development of the surrounding environment, tourism wise, socially, culturally and nature-wise, besides increasing the tourism quality.
The Indonesian National Tourism Master Plan (RIPPARNAS) has identified 88 Strategic Destination clusters and 88 major Destinations, of which 16 will be given priority development in the coming 3 to 5 years, said Minister Mari Pangestu.
During the Indonesia Tourism Investment Day (ITID) held at the JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, two Memorandums of Understanding were signed. The first was between PT Banten West Java (Tanjung Lesung Project) with Longlife Holding Co. Ltd dan Damac Holding Co. The second was between PT Bali Tourism Development Corporation (Mandalika Project) with PDAM (Potable Water company) of Central Lombok and the National Electricity Board (PLN) Head Office. Further signed was a Lease Agreement between PT Bali Tourism Development Corporation with Novotel Lombok. The Investment value of the three projects is estimated at Rp. 2 trillion comprising the construction and development of accommodation facilities, marina and senior citizens housing.
This is the first Tourism Investment Forum allowing investors to meet developers and destinations direct, which was organized by the Ministry for Tourism and the Creative Economy, the National Investment Board (BKPM), and the Ministry for the Seas and Fishery.
Present at ITID were CEO’s investors, Indonesian tourism property developors, members of the Indonesian Chamber of Commersce, Chambers of Commerce from ASEAN,China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, the United Arab Emrates, Great Britain, and the USA. While on the Indonesian sellers side were 7 Integrated Tourism Resorts, members of the Association of Indonesian Tourism Resorts, 6 Regencies and cities, and 2 potential destinations in small islands and forests.
Moreover ITID offered investments in infrastructure including airports and toll roads. Thus far, Samsung C&T from South Korea has shown interest in the building of the airport at Majalengka in West Java and the Panimbang airport in Banten.
Meanwhile, separately, Darori, Director General for Forest Protection and Nature Conservancy of the Ministry for Forestry, told the press in Ende, East Nusatenggara that the Ministry will facilitate investments in the three coloured Lake Kelimutu National Park in Flores. With its outstanding natural beauty, Lake Kelimutu is second to none in the world, said Director General Darori
In addition, the surrounding area offers richness in cultural heritage including unique traditional houses.
Darori invites investors to build dedicated eco-resorts in the Kelimutu National Park for which licenses will be issued for 55 years which is further extendable.
As example, Darori mentioned that with surging worldwide interest in the Komodo National Park, the town of Labuan Bajo in the district of West Manggarai on Flores, entry port to Komodo, has succeeded in attracting investments in five star-rated hotels. Direct flights between Bali and Labuan Bajo have now also increased to six times daily, while three other investors have submitted proposals, one of which is in a floating hotel, reported Kompas daily.
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Photo courtesy : Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia